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Contest Closed!
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Congratulations Winners!!

Thank you participants! Winners were announced live on Club Fest Zoom at 1:00PM, Sunday, May 24th.
Shonna Rae O'Rielly - Club Fest T-Shirt
Cing Cent Trente Quatre - (5) Club Kitty Stickers by Bri Crabtree + MadTech Club Pin
Santiago Malabari - (5) Club Kitty Stickers by Bri Crabtree + MadTech Club Pin
Diego Borja - "If you are a Juggler" Alexander Kiss Book
Luk Vaca - "If you are a Juggler" Alexander Kiss Book
Mickey Camer - Lazy Penguin Coffee Mug
Adrian Ado Trivett - $20 Circus Luminescence Gift Certificate + T-Shirt
Mark Tobey - (3) Renegade Juggling Clubs
Spining Spades - (3) Niels Duinker Bottle Clubs + If you are a Juggler" Alexander Kiss Book
Skyler Heims - (3) Flowtoys Vision Clubs + Club Duffel + Club Dragonfly Pin

Feel free to reach out to us at
We will be reaching out to all the winners on Facebook after Club Fest ends.

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